
Showing posts from 2015

May the New Year be a Happy One!

It's been a busy year here in Literacy. I want to thank Katie, Aubrey, Lesley, Christine, Casey, Cat and my editor/buddy/mentor Mike for their support, compassion and confidence in me and this blog. This year we hope we wrote about important topics. We also  did a guest blog and contributed an entry to a writer's circle book. In 2016 we plan a full agenda for this blog. I want to thank all of my readers for opening their hearts to David's Corner!

Rauner on the way to destroying State

Last year gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner pledged to "crack down on waste" in government in order to save taxpayers over $140 million. He  also vowed to cut $500 million from the Illinois Department  of Central Management Services and find another $250 million in Medicaid savings. So far our dear Governor has done nothing but a whole lot of talking! Meanwhile, children , developmentally disabled citizens and the sick suffer because of his self-centered agenda. He needs to wake up and get out of dreamland!

SB 2046 is one fix short of a Budget Deal

As I wrote last week, the lack of a state budget is hurting our next generation. This bill, SB 2046 funds  critical services for Illinois' most vulnerable citizens and enables  the social safety net to remain intact. It should be supported. Now is the critical opportunity for our elected officials to demonstrate the leadership and problem solving Illinois' citizens need, short of fixing the budget. A vote against SB 2046  or a veto of this bill puts vulnerable Illinois citizens at risk, threatens to cost  taxpayers more in emergency interventions and will decimate the social service infrastructure on which many of us depend.

Dont We Care About Our Next Generation?

From the Responsible Budget Coalition: "90% of working families applying for childcare assistance are no longer eligible. Parents who applied for childcare after July 1st and are working more than 20 hours a week at minimum wage do not qualify for the program." All because we don't have a state budget. Other programs being cut include, Autism, Epilepsy, Cancer, HIV/AIDS and  Mental Health and make Illinois an unhealthy and unsafe state to live in. Also, after school programs have closed and early intervention therapists are not being paid.  Illinois also stopped funding college tuition assistance. And why don't we have a state budget? Because our dimwitted Governor and stubborn Speaker of the House need to grow up and start doing what voters elected them to do-- the work of the citizens of Illinois!!! Let's go!!!

A Budget For Our Children Now!

Mr Governor, legislators, fellow citizens: ENOUGH! It's almost Thanksgiving and still no budget! This is uncalled for and hurts children most. By failing to pass a budget, children and young adults are suffering from domestic violence without emergency help from  the state, according to Voices of Illinois Children, an advocacy group. This turns my stomach, how about you?

Sorry Baby Bears...Next Year--Again!

Joe Maddon means business. He is an outstanding leader of a very dynamic, young baseball  team. We had a good fun run in 2015, but the Muts had the lumber, still it was great to see KC put them into a slumber!

Go Cubs Go!!!

Last night the big time came in to the Windy City as the Chicago Cubs clinched their division in a most challenging way! They first had to win a wild card game, then beat the team with the most wins in major league baseball. Who knows if we will play east or west for the NLCS? I don't know, but the Cubs are the best! Stand by for more...

Mall Attacks by Young Adults

Young adults don't respect authority and cause trouble in malls with patrons and shop keepers.Their loud  talk, graffiti, shoplifting, and taunting of senior citizens makes the mall an unsafe environment for the taxpaying public. Our younger generation needs more positive  role models and people, like family members/athletes/celebrities/teachers, to help them stay on the right track. Getting on the right track might mean getting a job in one of the mall stores. If all of the young adults have jobs and pay taxes,  they will have no time to cause a disturbance.

Drama in Chicago

When lovers can't wait to get  home / somewhere private and start making out in the stairways and bathrooms, it's wrong and it could become a serious problem. If any of the Anixter staff get a report of this kind of behavior, it could have consequences for all of us and the investigation makes Anixter Center look bad. So, young adults, control your instincts and keep it friendly!

Anixter Town Hall Meetings

Anixter town hall meetings are not just for whining about the same problems over and over, but for sharing ideas respectfully. Staff should stand back and let adults work problems out by themselves, but they should be ready to step in, if needed. I would like to see more people learn to talk for themselves. This simple change will make the meeting go by much faster.

Police Brutality Has To Stop!

Police brutality is obnoxious, uncalled for, and a waste of  taxpayer money. It's disgusting how something pretty small like a traffic stop can turn into a media circus, when a cop uses their badge as a shield to do wrong. We need to screen and train our police better.They must not have a history of violence or abuse. We need to teach them psychology, communications and social services. We need to help them use more of the love we know they have in their hearts with patience and compassion. I think that with a little research, we will find my program reduces violence and trauma for everyone.


Hazing is a set of rituals people go though when they join a new group. This is something that has been around since parents have been having children. Hazing happens because people do it to be accepted by the group. Usually, hazing is harmless. Sometimes hazing is torture and can hurt or kill a person. At colleges and universities, police have reported serious psychological, emotional and physical scarring from drinking games that had terrible consequences. Some kids have died, the lucky ones have only been expelled. This is an important public safety issue. I think these kids should be sent to boot camp.What do you think?

A guest blog...

I was recently asked to write a short entry for a dear friend's blog. You can read it here:

Political Corruption: The Series Part II, Budget Games

Governor Rauner and the lawmaker's games with the Illinois state budget is corrupt, despicable and uncalled for. It especially hurts those who need the most help: children, the sick, the disabled and the poor. Their childish inaction is forcing needless cuts in health care, education, social services and public transit. Our state leaders need to grow up and learn how to compromise. We have many people in the disabled community willing to go down to Springfield to help the process along. Are you ready?

Political Corruption: Part I, Prison Waste

Politicians waste money by filling violent prisons with petty criminals and no social services. The resulting attacks make petty crooks into big time crooks that return to our communities and cost more money for everyone. This is a vicious cycle that must be broken. We need to make our prisons safer. They need to be less clogged with youth and non-violent offenders. They need more social workers and better and honest guards. We need to treat all of our prisoners like they are human. The way politicians do it today, wastes money and people and makes our neighborhoods more scary. This must be fixed now!

Political Corruption: The Series

There are many types of political corruption, too many to tackle in just one post. Between waste, bad budgeting, education and shrinking services, our political system is in trouble. Because there is too much to cover in one blog, I will begin a series on this important topic with my next post. Stand by!

Issues In Public Transportation

There are many important topics that complicate this subject. CTA and PACE have good ideas, but not enough funding. Public transit is a privilege that can make our world better. Having public transportation allows us to affordably  go to work, shop and visit friends & family, all while saving money on gas and parking. For the disabled, this is often their only way to get anywhere. Sounds too good to be true, right? Yes, it is. Some complaints include rude bus drivers and passengers, graffiti, pickpockets,  drinking and violence. This is annoying-- especially to expectant mothers, the elderly, the disabled-- and costs taxpayers' money! This is a tragedy. How can we change this? We can start by setting an outstanding example to our young adults/adults of being neat and considerate and when we see problems, report them to the proper authorities. We must all do our part at the table of goodwill.

Loving Yourself Through Education

Education is very important  in today's world. First off, education should make you feel good about yourself and make you happy. Education is also an important tool  because it is key to getting a good career, making a living and staying out of trouble with the law. I think it's a shame if a young adult doesn't take the opportunity to get an education. At a young age, they must have lost their love for learning and they are taking it out on themselves.

Respect People with Disabilities

Hi employers ,you should give workers with disabilities a chance to show their skills. First, make your  businesses accessible--it's required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Then find good people to fill your positions who are disabled, but qualified. Disabled people, don't  let your disability define you. We must get  up,  get out, and go and find  a job to make money. Then we can be more proud of ourselves. On the job, be on time, be neat and polite and follow the rules. However, know your rights to a safe, fair and accessible  place of employment. Keep track of the hours you work and your wages in a journal to make sure you're not being taken advantage of . Your paycheck numbers should correspond  with your journal entries. ADA should be accepted in every way and form. But we all need to have compassion, patience and love.  

Bruce Jenner is an Equal

Hi readers, today we talk about a famous male decathlete who is  trans-gendered and becoming a woman. Jenner is an outstanding individual and should be respected. Jenner knew at a young age that he was living as a female in a male's body, but he ignored it and accepted himself  as he was for many years. Now he  has announced he is doing a sex change and he is happy. Reaction from his kids is mixed, with some happy and some confused. This is Jenner's choice and it's his life. We should't judge him.This is hard for him. He/She is still a champion in my eyes. I hope you look at him the same way.

Respecting Women Part II

I want to talk about this because women should be treated as equal to any man. This is in terms of not just pay, but respect in all ways. This  week we continue  with how men can do their part in respecting women. Man to man: First, look inward, use your intelligence. Second, women are not objects, don't treat them like one. Finally, be a gentleman! When you meet someone new, don't use the past as an example, give everyone a fresh start. Every woman is special in their own way.

Respecting Women Part I

I want to talk about this because women should be treated as equal to any man. This is in terms of not just pay, but respect in all ways. Look at yourself, it starts with self respect, loving and knowing yourself. Show pride for who you are; don't worry about what your peers think about you. Choose people who respect you for who you are. How to do this? Stand up for yourself, stay in school, stay out of jail and hang out with people with a future. Next time we'll talk about how men can be of help.

Road Rage

Road rage  happens when people's emotions affect  their driving. Sometimes it's harmless like yelling threats  or giving the finger. Or it can escalate to  things like following too close, laying on the horn or jamming on the brakes. Road rage can be a stomach turner when it gets violent and people pull out their weapons, this is when somebody could lose a loved one. Road Rage has to stop before this happens. People need to get a grip on themselves and grow up! If we have a friend who is in a rage, we need to talk them down. Finally, I think we should have cameras across the U.S. to identify the worst cases and get them off the road.

Advice For The Next Genertion

Hopefully, our youth won't think like the older generation and will have a successful future with love in  their hearts. But how can we eliminate  racism? Getting to know a person before you judge them is a good place to start. Don't judge a book by it's cover! I think this is easier for our young adults because they still care. Young people are the key to the light of a new day of happiness,  free from racism. That day will be a breathe of  fresh air. Don't you think?

Using Your Anger For Love

I get angry sometimes, don't you? But I don't shoot anybody, do you? Of course not! Anger is a powerful force for negative AND positive change in the world. Where does anger come from? Some say it's in your blood and  comes from your family. Others say it is learned behavior from  parents, teachers, peers and mass media. Some people lash out and use anger as a weapon, hurting others. Some other people withdraw inside, hurting only themselves. Then there are people, like this writer, who turn their anger into peaceful words of love to educate and inform. There are others who petition peacefully, rather than start a fight. Can you think of ways to turn your anger into love? Please write.

Wake Up Bossy People!

Bossy people are pathetic. They think  they know everything-- and they don't! When you try to tell them something, it's like talking  to a wall. This makes some people uncomfortable  and others angry.  My best advice is let it just go off your shoulders, over your head and with your head up high, keep on steppin'! My best advice to bossy people is, "Mr. Bossiness, wake yourself up and better yourself, we'll like you more!" 

Less Bosses, More Jobs, Less Crime!

There's too much crime and it's got to stop! Our justice system is breaking under the weight of drug and weapons crimes committed by people that need honest jobs. We have two problems: 1) Too many bosses and not enough workers. Dump some bosses and use the money to hire more employees and, 2) Our veterans have a lot to offer our youth. Hire them as teachers and their experience will help kids, while they help themselves heal from war. We need more jobs and less poverty. We need more classrooms and less jails! 

You Are What You Wear

It doesn't matter to me what people wear on their bodies. If they want to show their bellies and/or underpants, that is their choice! However, sometimes the way we dress attracts attention. Sometimes it's positive, like when staff helps us look more presentable. Other times we can draw negative attention and it can get dangerous and ugly. Dress with respect and earn respect from yourself and others.

Helping yourself...

As I said, our disability isn't all we're about. We can help overcome prejudice by working hard and speaking up for ourselves  and not using something we were born with as a crutch. When  we show others that we are more than what is most apparent, we crash the walls of prejudice and we get to have our own way. Peace on Earth, good will to all people. Love one another.  Enjoy life!!!  

Prejudice Against People With Disabilities
