
Showing posts from April, 2015

Respecting Women Part II

I want to talk about this because women should be treated as equal to any man. This is in terms of not just pay, but respect in all ways. This  week we continue  with how men can do their part in respecting women. Man to man: First, look inward, use your intelligence. Second, women are not objects, don't treat them like one. Finally, be a gentleman! When you meet someone new, don't use the past as an example, give everyone a fresh start. Every woman is special in their own way.

Respecting Women Part I

I want to talk about this because women should be treated as equal to any man. This is in terms of not just pay, but respect in all ways. Look at yourself, it starts with self respect, loving and knowing yourself. Show pride for who you are; don't worry about what your peers think about you. Choose people who respect you for who you are. How to do this? Stand up for yourself, stay in school, stay out of jail and hang out with people with a future. Next time we'll talk about how men can be of help.

Road Rage

Road rage  happens when people's emotions affect  their driving. Sometimes it's harmless like yelling threats  or giving the finger. Or it can escalate to  things like following too close, laying on the horn or jamming on the brakes. Road rage can be a stomach turner when it gets violent and people pull out their weapons, this is when somebody could lose a loved one. Road Rage has to stop before this happens. People need to get a grip on themselves and grow up! If we have a friend who is in a rage, we need to talk them down. Finally, I think we should have cameras across the U.S. to identify the worst cases and get them off the road.

Advice For The Next Genertion

Hopefully, our youth won't think like the older generation and will have a successful future with love in  their hearts. But how can we eliminate  racism? Getting to know a person before you judge them is a good place to start. Don't judge a book by it's cover! I think this is easier for our young adults because they still care. Young people are the key to the light of a new day of happiness,  free from racism. That day will be a breathe of  fresh air. Don't you think?