
Showing posts from August, 2015


Hazing is a set of rituals people go though when they join a new group. This is something that has been around since parents have been having children. Hazing happens because people do it to be accepted by the group. Usually, hazing is harmless. Sometimes hazing is torture and can hurt or kill a person. At colleges and universities, police have reported serious psychological, emotional and physical scarring from drinking games that had terrible consequences. Some kids have died, the lucky ones have only been expelled. This is an important public safety issue. I think these kids should be sent to boot camp.What do you think?

A guest blog...

I was recently asked to write a short entry for a dear friend's blog. You can read it here:

Political Corruption: The Series Part II, Budget Games

Governor Rauner and the lawmaker's games with the Illinois state budget is corrupt, despicable and uncalled for. It especially hurts those who need the most help: children, the sick, the disabled and the poor. Their childish inaction is forcing needless cuts in health care, education, social services and public transit. Our state leaders need to grow up and learn how to compromise. We have many people in the disabled community willing to go down to Springfield to help the process along. Are you ready?