
Showing posts from November, 2020

COVID-19 Part II

COVID-19 has affected the economy. It affects all places, especially restaurants and our educational institutions. I wish that people who were not taking COVID-19 seriously would self-quarantine or that people who are not wearing masks would get checked out by a service provider. Be sure to make an appointment for your parents to show how much family is worth it. This could be the best time to check. We all want to return to the good times. Since the COVID-19 virus is mischievous we don’t want to end up miserable. Keep your head and be thankful that you have moms and dads. I know it is hard to stay safe, especially when the holiday is coming up. The best solution is to get tested and avoid complaining. We should teach young men and women what the COVID-19 virus is about and tell them to be careful. Parents should look out after children. The COVID-19 virus is dangerous and adults not wearing masks are making first responders drop like flies. Businesses are losing money left and right. ...

Mayor Lightfoot

Mayor Lightfoot is doing very well, especially at keeping us up to date with the number of COVID-19 cases. I rate our mayor’s job 100% because she is very positive and is a good influence for Chicago. It makes me sad to see that the Chicago and Cook County numbers are going up. Teens are not wearing their masks making the numbers rise. Their parents need to set better examples  The president of the United States is showing no leadership. He had COVID-19, but he wants all the college students and high schoolers in school and to keep the restaurants and corner stores open without people wearing masks. There are many people being let go and laid off, but they should get their jobs back when COVID-19 is over. Mayor Lightfoot will help work with the employers and I suppose she will put her foot down and make sure that they get $15 or more! They should also get back pay.

Wisconsin Needs to Wake Up

I would like to see more action done about police violence. It does not make any sense to be paying law enforcement to shoot down a 17-year-old just because he is African-American. That is just hideous and stomach-turning! There should be an investigation called on the Wisconsin Police Department. A citizen’s investigation team should look into what happened. We should not have officers getting away murder. COVID-19 is creating enough problems in society for us to need to worry about the police acting like criminals on top of it.

COVID-19: Part 1

  By 2021, the day should come that sports teams, movie theaters, and the workplaces of citizens all over the USA and overseas will open again. These businesses will not be closed. There will be a celebration since all the people that were laid off will have their jobs back. Until that day, parents need to make sure that their kids are being safe so the virus doesn’t spread. There is a lot of uncalled for behavior in the world today. I would like to know why parents cannot show good leadership in today’s world. It is important that mothers and fathers are both involved just in case there are any questions about the facts of life. Young men and women have to make sure to wear a mask and stay a safe distance from each other!

High School Sports and COVID-19

I do not like the way the students are not getting the right treatment. They should be given a chance to compete in sports if the students want to play to stay in their season. I there should be the following regulations: They should have to wear face coverings and have their temperatures taken before getting on the field. They should also wash their hands and use sanitizer. On the bench, they should be an arm length and six feet apart. I am asking students to make an appointment with the governor and let him know the following points can be done and that it is not all talk.

HGTV Shows

HGTV Shows are very interesting! I especially love when I watch Home Town, Good Bones, Flip or Flop, The Property Brothers, Lottery Dream Home, Love It or List It, Nate & Jeremiah Save My House, Fixer Upper, and One of a Kind with Grace Mitchell. The producers and the photographers make me a fan as a viewer. I continue watching all of the HGTV Shows -- it doesn’t matter which show as long as they have outstanding photography. They make me feel like there’s not a bad mood in me. I especially enjoy Love It or List It. The way David and Hillary get on each other is hilarious!

Violence is Senseless

Violence makes no sense and it has to stop! It is too much of a waste of time and it is uncalled for. When you use violence to oppose your peers that will make them lose trust in you. It will show a bad example to teenagers and youth around you, especially since the next generation is not very secure with themselves.  You can be secure with yourself without being violent. You will be much more productive that way and make many more friends. Life is too short to hurt others!  I have some ideas about staying safe and stopping violence. You should travel in numbers and know that anyone could be a perpetrator. Some people have not been treated well and possibly at a young age were abused, making them more violent. Their generation has had no leadership and that is why we are seeing so much crime. That is why families are leaving Cook County!

Respecting the Homeless

  Citizens that are on the street should be respected and not treated like dirt. It makes me wonder -- does the next generation have any respect for themselves? Why I make this comment is because in the long run a passerby may look at you like you don’t have it all together upstairs or because one day it may be your parents or whole family who are homeless. If someone has nothing good to say, they should not say anything at all. Citizens on the street today will look up to you as a leader, so stop being so down on yourself. There could be peace, joy, and love in life for everyone!

CMA Christmas

CMA Christmas is the best gift. Of course, there are a lot of shows that help people around the holidays that need support. The Country Music Awards Christmas Concert is the best of the best though, since it lets the next generation meet their favorite musicians. The performers have a big heart and bring joy to the lives of hospital patients at St. Jude’s. The musicians at the CMA are the best of friends. Each song is the best therapy and makes a rough time into a happy time. The musicians go to St. Jude’s and make patients feel like they are not laughed at. When they perform, they give them happiness. At the end of a show, there could be a big surprise where they invite patients to their concert. One time, Luke Bryan asked a young man to perform on stage in front of 45,000 people!

Substance Addiction: Drugs and Alcohol

Substance-free housing is the best way to help addicts because there will be less problems and more education. They will have self help groups to learn about themselves instead of leaving without help. The best thing would be for families to help addicts find therapy. I would like to see our teenagers today be drug-free and go to therapy if they need it.  They might need self help partners involved in their lives. Hotlines are good for moms and dads to get help and see their loved ones better themselves and find a safe place to go.

Country Music and the American Music Awards

As a fan of country music, the songs make me feel that life is not sad because I think that music is a great tool that keeps me calm. Concerts make me feel like I am at a party with a best friend.  When you have a bad day, just look on the brightside, turn on the radio and TV to see if there are any songs, concerts, or parades with someone who has a good outlook in their careers. Music is a gift that our next generation will enjoy too, giving us all good feelings.