COVID-19 Part V
We could have been protected from the virus sooner if Trump would have said something. Things might have been different in Chicago. The whole CDC Board would have called the mayor and governor to meet and make sure all of the big businesses would not have to lay off their employees. The workers in our schools and our restaurants and cleaners would have been safe. Youth should have consequences if they do not follow the law. They should be punished by taking care of senior citizens, taking them to get vaccines and going shopping with them. This would help prevent any more business owners from going under. One risk to the city is our budget issues. There is something wrong with the governor’s budget plan. I think the number one most dangerous part is the 7 million dollar cut to the Cook County Department of Corrections.We need more services, not less. Education is the best way to go because if the mayors in the city and the suburbs allow staff to open the schools it will take the pressur...