bullying in the every day world  is a disgrace

Bullying is an attention seeking kind of despicable hideous pathetic sickening un called for action that nobody would want to be involved   with. bullying in the work place is very sad.  it seems to be that their was bullying in the house hold that the bully thinks they are the boss of the real world . but they think it is all about being heads of all the bullies and having them take things over like neighborhoods stealing from stores and business people and students just minding their own business.

bullying in the athletic nfl there was a bully that really acted like a pathetic  unappetizing  child that thinks his own peers are going to put up with his bs. but bs to anybody in any sport like football baseball basketball and hockey if these professional people think they are professional but what is wrong with their    wheels. do they have enough oil or electric currents to be a bunch of jerks . these professionals are supposed to be role models to younger generation and  not a bunch of cowardly inconsiderate jerks.

Be careful  bullies i think you are in for a treat. that treat is you are going to get a taste of your own medicine.


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