Abuse & Neglect of the Disabled

Abuse can be social, like a verbal put down,  physical, like hitting or kicking, emotional, like yelling or threats, or even sexual, like harassment or assault.

Neglect can be as simple as ignoring someone or isolating them. More terrible is failing to provide a disabled person basic needs like food or medicine or clothing or housing.

Abuse and neglect of the disabled is wrong. It is also against the law. It's pathetic and it turns my stomach!

If you, or someone you know in Illinois is being abused, call 866-800-1409. 


  1. What doesn't anybody understand that ignoring never works with everybody ignoring works with very few people when it comes to sexual harassment you call the police if somebody is threating you rape you and molest you call the police that also goes for if somebody is assaulting you

  2. What doesn't anybody understand that ignoring never works with everybody ignoring works with very few people when it comes to sexual harassment you call the police if somebody is threating you rape you and molest you call the police that also goes for if somebody is assaulting you

  3. Abuse and neglect are horrible experiences and I appreciate you talking about this topic. No person with or without a disability deserves to be treated poorly.

  4. Abuse and neglect are horrible experiences and I appreciate you talking about this topic. No person with or without a disability deserves to be treated poorly.


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