Can We Talk About Police Shootings?

I am sick and tired of hearing of our police shooting down unarmed young adults.

We  need more talking and less shooting. We must dial things down and compromise or use  mediation to help resolve conflicts.

All parties must move beyond color and try to work on a better perspective of the other party. There should be no media and no politicians, just everyday people talking things out.

To be continued...


  1. I agree that talking about our problems will help. I know that in communities where the residents feel comfortable talking with their police force and there is mutual respect between the police and the residents, that those communities tend to be safer. So anything that can be done to encourage dialogue between residents and their police officers is wonderful. The police need to work to repair the damage that has been done in some communities, and the residents need to help them to repair that damage by being open to their efforts to help.


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