Groups at Anixter

I enjoy my time at Anixter Center and feel safe here. But the time I love most is our small groups like Monday Morning Mash, Song Writing ,and Digital Literacy.

For  example, Hannah is the best music therapist I know and Julie is an outstanding teacher. I thank them  for their tremendous work.

I love all of my groups and the staff who lead them, they  do their jobs with love and peace.  Have you thanked a staff person today?


  1. What a nice thing to say about your staff and your groups. Not surprised that Digital Literacy is one of your favorites, but I was surprised to hear that you are in a Songwriting group. How cool! Have fun and keep enjoying life David!

  2. I will Christine. Thanks for reading!

  3. Hi David! It was wonderful meeting you at Anixter last Tuesday and I had a blast playing Bingo with you. I hope you are writing down everything in your new notebook that you won (what a perfect prize for a writer!). I was very impressed by your plaque on display in the hallway at Anixter and even more impressed by your blog! Keep writing and stay well!


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