I have taken many forms of transportation, bicycle, car, van, bus and planes. By far, my favorite form of transportation is the train. I like the train because it is relaxing and fast. It is reliable. Usually, it is clean and quiet. It is very safe from crime and accidents. For people whose disabilities won’t allow the operation of a car, it’s the faster way to travel. As a taxpayer, citizen and consumer, I believe trains, like Chicago’s Rapid Transit, are the most efficient, cleanest ride. Trains are also the best value. As a developmentally disabled citizen and rider, I pay $50.00 per month for unlimited rides. This is the best deal in Chicago! Even at full price, it’s a great deal. Plus, there are so many interesting people on the train every day. For instance, today there was a lady on the train with a box of chocolates. I asked her about them. She explained that she was selling them for her granddaughter’s soccer team. I asked, “how much?” ...
That is good to hear David!