American Massacre

I knew from the beginning that we did not have a good leader. He was more like a dictator! You could look at his cabinet and see that he did not have good people. Now the riot at Capitol Hill shows what kind of people his followers are. I have never seen a leader provoke violence like Trump!

History was made on that terrible day. The Capitol Police should have been better prepared for the protesters. Washington DC is a beautiful place with amazing memorials. We need to make sure that it is safe and not destroyed. I would like to be able to see teachers taking Junior High School students to the Capitol in the future.

I would never like to see any president go through impeachment, but I think it is needed for Trump! Why would anybody to think of joining a mob? It does not make any sense. People were not using their brains. White supremacists should see a psychiatrist and get their minds checked. People should have a sense of joy and humanity!


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