Pride Month is Beautiful

People should not be judged by their sexuality. There are teachers, coaches, police, firefighters, babysitters, students, caseworkers, caregivers, bus drivers, and many others who are all part of the LGBT community. Some people are not sure about themselves because of their sexuality. As long as people are not abusing others, like some priests, rabbis, police, or health care and nursing home workers have, their sexuality is their own personal decision and business. I hope this post will educate my readers and professionals about issues impacting the LGBT community. 

Pride Month was a time to think and hope for all the best and not the worst. Pride Day was in Grant Park. I celebrate Pride all year round because it has the meaning of love and respect. Look all around! If males have feelings for each other, or females have feelings for each other, and they love and trust each other, they should be at peace with themselves. They should be able to create a life together.

There has been a lot of disgusting graffiti towards transgender people. There are teens who are facing judgment for being LGBTQ. 20% do not want to come out since their parents will not accept the truth. 94,000-115,000 families in the country are led by same-sex couples.

I would like to see more families be supportive. For example, when a son came home from college he was afraid to tell his parents he was gay. The big news is his sister is gay too. They both should be accepted. Families sometimes are uncomfortable if their children have gay friends. This should also be accepted. Many students are gay and this is normal.

There are gays in the military who should be looked up to. Gay people also work in medical professions, and can be doctors or nurses who may be there to help. They have as much right to work and be home owners. They should be able to be equal. 

One day, children will ask their parents and grandparents questions about their family history and what Pride Month was like for them. How did relatives come out to their families? When was an aunt allowed to get married to her wife or an uncle to his husband? If they wanted to adopt children, did they face difficulties?

In other words, I hope to know that there will not be any hate in the future, because it is not healthy. There should be classes to teach our parents that their children have been gay all their lives and it does not make any difference at all. When family members are educated about same sex relationships, gay people can show their boyfriends and girlfriends or spouses to their famiiles without fear.

Certain customs and religions make it difficult for LGBT people. If a couple wants to be together, why mess up their happy opportunity? Does it make any difference as long as the couples are happy? Prejudice should not get in the way of love and happiness. Love is love. Everyone should trust who they are.


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