Using Social Media and the Internet Responsibly

Social media should not be abused by people who show dangerous and abnormal behavior. Some people have obscene minds and are not sensible. What I want my readers to take away from this next blog is that social media has both good and hideous sides. Some people do not act civilized online and there are perpetrators who are not in their right mind.

The best way to know what is going on in the world today and hopefully in the next millennium is through the Internet. The Internet can be used for good things, like finding places and getting educational information about getting vaccinated. There is, however, a dark side. The dark web is the most common way for people to interfere with consumer information like citizen’s bank accounts. Additionally, I do not want to see any more obscene pop-ups!  

Crimes can happen because of social media and it is becoming its own pandemic. It is making taxpayers wonder what the use of social service programs are if they cannot make a difference and if people working for these services are committing crimes through the Internet.

It is also making taxpayers wonder if they should put in metal detectors in public places because there are so many criminals who do not want to call it quits. The community and its citizens need to stick together and if you see something, say something. The scariest thing is that we have a new wave of the pandemic, so hopefully all of the teens get vaccinated so that the citizens can live quality lives and enjoy going back to sports events at places like the United Center. Between the crime and the pandemic, we need to make sure all of our environments are safe. The Internet can help people find the services they need to stay safe.

The Internet has to be looked at as a learning tool and the social piece should be used safely. Young adults should be taught to go to their parents. Hopefully parents will take the time to show their sons or daughters that they need to think about their futures and be careful what they post online. They can learn about and apply online to colleges and use online tools that can help them prepare for exams. Parents can also check if the colleges are safe and quality places. This is a positive and productive way to use the Internet.

It is not very fair to see our store owners see a loss in business all because people in the criminal underground are making plans online. All of 2021 has been the biggest disaster to our business centers. Unfairly the whole city of Chicago has been affected by Internet teens who are swarming businesses to shoplift in the downtown area. They are using social media to plan horrible things. Store and restaurant owners should make sure that their manager and workers take initiative to especially when there are threats online.

The next generation should be able to go off to college and be the best they can be and not think about relationships but study and let their mom and dad go and work out their own problems with a marriage counselor. This information should not leave the counselor’s office and end up online where the sessions are not confidential between the two couples who are wasting the counselor’s time and money. We hope that the couple could see that all of the websites now have all of the information like where a son or daughter is going to school and where their parents live.

The best thing for social media is to help people find a good paying job in big businesses, including for those in low-income neighborhoods. They can connect to education and careers, and find opportunities to pay their own rent. Most importantly is learning how to use social media to help businesses communicate because it is a shame that some have been affected by COVID-19. Chicago Public Schools, sporting events, pet shops, hardware stores, movie theaters, and malls that have big stores that consumers use, pet shops, and hardware stores can all use the Internet to advertise. They can create a web page that will help them to reach customer. Professionals like our nurses and restaurant employees can also use social media platforms to find out more about other work opportunities or learn how to report harassment. 

Additionally, our veterans who risked their lives for our country should not be treated like dirt. Our service men and women should be able to find jobs and housing to show that they are someone who is equal to others. They should be able to find these opportunities online. 

Students who like to create school productions can also use social media for their careers. Someday they will thank their teachers for helping them with technical skills. More productions online can help students with fundraisers for school remodeling or other products. They could use social media to help bring in money to their schools to create a safer environment.

Students from other countries can also benefit from using the Internet to find schools and the careers of their choice. They could be doctors or possibly teach children overseas and live where parents speak different languages and kids need help. The school might know if an international student could interpret to make the family household happier. They can use the Internet to look for these opportunities. Students from overseas also deserve to learn about our justice system and have the right to be a great example by working in a law office just in case the client speaks a different language. The student could be of service so the lawyer could learn in what he or she did wrong. Maybe the client will be found innocent instead of going to jail and wasting taxpayer money.

There are students that use and have better teaching from their parents about what social media is like. They can get a job interview so the student can get a job and be successful in the world like their mother and father. They could also get a job to support themselves at where their parents work so their businesses grow.

You can use the Internet to advertise to help a business to let the consumer know that there are strict recommendations for COVID-19. The CDC’s Dr. Jennifer Ashton is a big help in this area. Social media is also very helpful in making sure that people can find “Help Wanted” ads and where to shop. They can visit stores like Walmart and Dick’s and places for perfumes like Bath and Body Works. The salespeople are very polite and have a good outlook. T-Mobile and Sprint and Verizon can also be found online. 

Social media helps people get the best information and identify landmarks. Even our social services can be found online. People can find great resources for people with disabilities! There are many good sides to the Internet and we should not let the bad aspects ruin them.


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