The War in Ukraine & Ukrainians in America

I am sick of this uncalled for and childish behavior. I do not understand why Russia invaded Ukraine. War is making the price of oil and food go up. It is sad that the cost of college tuition is outrageous. There are so many families who have been displaced because of the war. The best thing we can do is to get help for these people.

UNICEF helps Ukraine. NBC has also been kind enough to set up fundraisers for Ukrainian citizens. The next generation is being punished all because of a pathetic coward who has no remorse. Anyone with this mentality, who wants to act like a bully, is disgusting. It doesn't make any sense for President Vladimir Putin to be such a bad influence on citizens in Russia. They must be worried about their families.

Russian is the language spoken by 151,174 people at home in the US according to the US census, though many young adults speak English. This is the best time to give help to refugees. All adults and young adults from Ukraine and Russia living here should apply for citizenship. They could do jobs in restaurants or in hospitality. They might also work in nursing and the healthcare field or as travel agents. It would not hurt to get a career working at O’Hare International Airport!

There is violence all over the world. For example, the president is now going to ask Congress to pass a bill to prevent young adults who have paranoid minds from having a firearm of mass destruction. Red flag laws can save lives. When 19 children and two teachers in Texas were shot by a student who first shot his grandmother, I could not believe it. The killer went on a rampage that could have been prevented. Why did it take nearly an hour for the Texas police to take action? Why did they leave the backdoor open and let the gunman enter the building and do the act of terror? They needed to have more communication in order to make sure that the governor does things to inform police and citizens with one another and hope for the best, to not forget, and to invite social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists to help.

The war in Ukraine, however, is a violent problem on an even larger scale. It is causing the price of living to go through the roof. There is a lot of bombing going on and parents have nowhere to work or ways feed a newborn. All the homes are being destroyed and newborn life is in danger. The best idea is to live as a responsible parent so the newborn has a future, even if it means using low income housing.

Every human deserves the best. They should not be labeled by color. They should not be discriminated against based on race, sex, religion, or other categories. This includes people who are Ukrainian-American or Russian-American. Parents need to feed their infants and the sad part is that a father who is still in the war sometimes is not able to help his wife support his newborn and pay all of the medical bills. The war is costing consumers and businesses a lot of money to operate and ship freight from other countries, which could help with the baby formula shortage. This is causing gas prices to go up and grocery prices are through the roof. Rent and car insurance are good to have just in case of a natural disaster. The war is hurting education and our young adults who are trying to do work. Priests in the Catholic Church and rabbis are afraid to do services. There are young men and young ladies who are afraid all because their ancestors come from different countries like where the war is and that next generation deserves respect. They do not deserve to have labels placed on them.

I am very confused about why parents are unable to talk about their grandparents and are ashamed. They should be respected for what they went through. They may suffer from PTSD. That is why the generation during and after wartime will have a very hard experience and an entire family that loved their country may suffer. The people of Ukraine are warriors. Maybe one day they will have a future where they do not see war.

Children will have questions for their ancestors about the war. Are their grandparents still alive or are they dead from fighting in the war? “Please, mom and dad,” they might say. “Tell me about what happened.” The Ukrainian soldiers’ grandsons and granddaughters will not believe it when they see Russians acting like a bunch of fools because Putin is a coward. It will make Russian soldiers look like a disgrace to their country. After all, there is a war where a lot of citizens are dying for no reason at all. People could lose their homes all because the schools at one time might be a nursery school that was blown up in the war. They might have to reach out to their families in other countries.

War does not make any sense, especially when war is this disgusting. Ukraine might get support from the United States, which will help them with weapons, including getting powerful rockets and missiles. But why is our country and Europe getting involved that way? That is going to cause businesses like auto industries, and all of our grocery stores, to struggle since our supplies come not only from the United States but overseas. Where does our gasoline come from? From the United States, Canada, Venezuela, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, the United Kingdom, and more. Do any of these countries have any idea if their husband or wife will be called to fight? I hope for the best and do not hope for the worst, but it is scary to think about war with Russia.

Our men and women were wounded in wars. I have respect for what they saw over in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and Korea. We do not want to see more war. Why is our United States military separating families, good friends, and high schoolers who are with the ROTC Army, Navy, Airforce, and Marines? When they come back from the war as veterans, they should be respected. There are many war veterans who know more about the rifles that have been used in all these school shootings and community violence. The teachers in CPS could explain the war to the students. War is very hard and some high school students may have questions and hope that the teachers do not ask the class to write an essay on the war. 

The meaning of war does not make any sense. When the US and other countries are helping the war as the country, it could be a disaster with all the latest nuclear bombs. It is a pathetic shame that Russia cannot come to the table with Ukraine to solve this pathetic war. The United States should not get too involved in the war in Ukraine, but they should take refugees. Some Ukrainian refugees might come to colleges in Chicago. 1,095,299 international students have come to study at American universities.

Some companies have continued to operate in Russia under many large US corporations. They conduct clinical medical research and manufacture goods. Thousands of companies curtailed operations in Russia, but some remain since the invasion of Ukraine began. Ukrainian-American business professionals and associations, as well as community business leagues are supporting the economic development of the Ukranian-American business professionals. Starting a business in Ukraine is arduous right now.

The media has been on the ground ever since the war in Ukraine and Russia started. ABC News’ David Muir has been doing an outstanding job keeping us up-to-date on what is going on overseas. To say the least, the Russian military is pointing fingers at the Ukrainian military for all the casualties as Russia says that the Ukrainian air and ground troops have affected communications. Vladimir Putin has no remorse for what he is doing to his entire country and its own families. Russia has a leader who is not thinking in his right mind and who is not a good role model. Additionally, Russia has arrested athlete Brittany Griner. She should not have to suffer all because there is a war going on. How about bringing Brittany back?

If there is any student or if the young adult is a citizen that was from where the war is, they do not deserve to live with flashbacks. It must be traumatic for the Ukrainian young adults who have to go through their education, knowing what is going to happen if there is a genocide. It is so pathetic that the so-called leader of Russia is a bully who is very selfish. It is a pretty bad shame to put his country in danger.

A lot of schools and universities in Russia and Ukraine are destroyed. How many Russian American students go to our universities? 4,800. How many Ukrainian citizens are going to universities in the United States? About 1,700. Some are going to school in Chicago. The Ukrainian students deserve as much respect as the citizens of Russia.

We should also remember not to underestimate a disabled citizens from Ukraine and Russia with special needs. There are jobs out there for students with special needs. There are even job programs for special needs students, who have as many rights as someone who does not have a disability. There is a law that created an agency that deals with discrimination against people with disabilities. It is called the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). That means no one can be thrown off a bus or from a place of employment just because of their disability.

There are many teachers from other countries who teach at Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Most of the CPS Special Ed teachers will teach students with special needs who have as much right to the best education and who are equal to others. Teachers should not discriminate, especially on the groups of ethnicity, sex, age, disability, employment, or politics. Male or female genders should not be judged to make sure the teachers could be available to help other teachers who are from different countries from all over the world and who are in Chicago now. There are teachers from all over the world who have as much right to teach the next generation. It should not matter where the teacher came from, even if the teacher came from overseas. The message I am trying to say is that all teachers from all over the world are equal, and whether male and female are no different and should not be looked down on. Every ethnicity deserves a career, whatever they are studying in school. I wish all the refugees from Ukraine and Russia the very best if they come to the United States and hope the war will end soon.


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