
Showing posts from 2023

Take the Red Light Cameras Off the Chicago Streets and Put Up Police Cameras Instead

The red light speeding cameras that are on the city streets and suburban roads are not needed as much as security ones. The tax money should be available for police cameras to prevent and make sure we are safe. Because there is so much crime around here, those cameras will help. Good behavior on the road is important. Cameras should be used in investigations that are even more important than speeding. Footage can help make sure that whoever did the crime can be caught so there are no false arrests. It is better to help taxpayers save money by putting police cameras on the highways, the interstate, the tri-state, and all other interstate ramps. Police cameras should also be put in grocery store and mall parking lots and underground parking lots. They should also be put in universities to help prevent any predators or any other deviants. There should be state police cameras at gas stations and other places on the sides of the highways. Redlight cameras are not as effective as police came...

Brittney Griner Comes Home

President Biden did a great job in compromising with Russia in order to bring Brittney Griner home. It was great to see her back with her family. Hopefully we can have more positive news stories like this in the future.

Preventing Gun Violence

There are better ways to solve disputes than using a weapon. It is a sad shame that the police and our court system are not able to solve things. The easiest way to stop violence is to ask everyone to make an appointment with a mental health professional. The mayor or governor should meet with President Biden to get a solution on how to handle the gun problem and get money for mental health providers. This is starting to not make any sense. There is not enough leadership. After so many cases of gun violence, including in the suburbs, the police, mayor, and others are still not taking things seriously. Sometimes gun violence cases are just because the owners are very careless and do not lock up a loaded gun to keep it out of a child’s reach. The gun might even belong to parents who are in law enforcement. We need to keep firearms out of the reach of the mentally ill who should not be able to use them. Gunowners should wake up and get heavy duty lockboxes and never keep their guns in the...