Preventing Gun Violence

There are better ways to solve disputes than using a weapon. It is a sad shame that the police and our court system are not able to solve things. The easiest way to stop violence is to ask everyone to make an appointment with a mental health professional. The mayor or governor should meet with President Biden to get a solution on how to handle the gun problem and get money for mental health providers.

This is starting to not make any sense. There is not enough leadership. After so many cases of gun violence, including in the suburbs, the police, mayor, and others are still not taking things seriously. Sometimes gun violence cases are just because the owners are very careless and do not lock up a loaded gun to keep it out of a child’s reach. The gun might even belong to parents who are in law enforcement.

We need to keep firearms out of the reach of the mentally ill who should not be able to use them. Gunowners should wake up and get heavy duty lockboxes and never keep their guns in the reach of others. The mentally ill do not have good judgment. For example, all the homicides on the CTA are getting ridiculous. Storeowners are being targeted by gunmen because they have nothing better to do.

We have to look out for each other. Other people have ways of thinking about how to use a gun instead of using it for recreation. We should make sure that the firearm is on the target range only if people are qualified. The right way forward is to look at all the best methods in the cities and suburbs of Chicago for stopping violence.

All this gun violence is so disturbing. Across the United States and all over, our schools and streets have shootings. There are even shootings in places like malls across the United States and overseas. In the most horrendous cases, students do not live in a safe atmosphere. People all over the United States have lost someone to gun violence, especially in cities. There are too many drive-by shootings.

There are so many wars on the streets of Chicago and in the suburbs and their streets too. Gun violence is out of control in the city. Chicago Mass Transit should not be a target range for guns that are being abused by teenagers and adolescents.

The horrible tragedy in Highland Park could have been prevented if each and every sports store would keep a cage where the guns are being stored, and only qualified people could buy them. It is very scary to go outside thinking that you can be a target. Most of the gun violence is inexcusable and could be prevented. All of the madness with this gun violence needs to stop across America and throughout the United States. Direct prevention is important.

Firearms that are used on a gun range should not be used in Chicago Public Schools or  in public places. Gun owners should be responsible for locking up their guns, especially after the Highland Park massacre and all the other massacres. These high-powered rifles do not deserve to be in the wrong hands and should only be in the hands of people with a license that know what they are doing. 

There have been too many teens and adolescents getting shot down. They do not deserve it. I hope these high-capacity guns get off the streets because this is a senseless course. People are trying to do business. It is getting to the point that every time there are robberies or thefts that guns are involved and it is getting out of hand, especially on school campuses. That is so uncalled for.

There are too many guns on the streets and psychotic people in Illinois are getting a hold of them. This is making people wonder when they will be safe and won’t be robbed. This is why people in the city and businesses in the suburbs want guns to protect themselves.

Assault weapons should be banned. This could cut the crime rate down, especially with carjackers and robberies. There will always be guns involved in crimes, but there should be far less casualties. 

People do not follow the example of the Governor of the state of Illinois, and ban guns from people involved in domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect. Guns should not be allowed in the hands of young adults or adults that are mostly disturbed. Mentally ill people should never have guns.

The recent college shooting in Michigan is traumatic. Our lawmakers should be trying to pass laws to stop all this violence and crime. What is happening in all these universities? These shootings have to stop all around the USA.

Since the president signed a gun bill, he has been especially angry, like a hurricane, and is making things miserable for the NRA. The NRA has to screen their workers to make sure there is no high power equipment going into the wrong hands. That means high-powered capacity rifles, shotguns, and handguns should not be in the hands of predators or people who are psychologically disturbed or want revenge. People should make anonymous phone calls to social workers and psychiatrists to make sure the dangerous people do not have guns.

Another approach to the situation is to make sure that all of the schools have a metal detector to stop guns from coming in and to pay attention for signs of mental illness. There could be more undercover police in the hallways in all the schools in Chicago since all this gun violence has led to people sneaking guns into the classroom. High-powered lights with cameras can also be a resource to track where the gunfire and guns are coming from.

Some weapons come from overseas and from terrorists. Unfortunately, most of the problem though is because of us at home. The careless behavior of the parents who are not being aware of the signs of those in the next generation who are troubled.

When we have a new mayor sworn into office, I hope things get better. The mayor will be responsible for implementing programs that combine life coaching and crisis intervention. This should be part of the intervention for gun control.

There are many people who are afraid to go to school because they are scared there might be a school shooting. In order to prevent any trauma that could cause any confusion in the next generation and cause more issues, we must put this catastrophe of a problem to a stop. It is getting to be a major issue that impacts everyone. These guns are posing threats to all of our citizens. Our United States government has to do a lot more to challenge gun violence and prevent future tragedies.


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