There are better ways to solve disputes than using a weapon. It is a sad shame that the police and our court system are not able to solve things. The easiest way to stop violence is to ask everyone to make an appointment with a mental health professional. The mayor or governor should meet with President Biden to get a solution on how to handle the gun problem and get money for mental health providers. This is starting to not make any sense. There is not enough leadership. After so many cases of gun violence, including in the suburbs, the police, mayor, and others are still not taking things seriously. Sometimes gun violence cases are just because the owners are very careless and do not lock up a loaded gun to keep it out of a child’s reach. The gun might even belong to parents who are in law enforcement. We need to keep firearms out of the reach of the mentally ill who should not be able to use them. Gunowners should wake up and get heavy duty lockboxes and never keep their guns in the...