What Do Runaways Get Out of Running Away?: Part One Somebody that has a chemically unbalanced problem may have a history of being a runaway. A runaway may be an outcast in lift and think that they do not belong and do not have any thing going for them. There should be more counseling in the department of state service that could tell legislatures get up off your pin cushions give up some money. take money from cook county jails and tell sheriff dart instead of sitting on his keister after his shift have him be a mentor and stop arresting runaways and putting them in institutions. Close institutions and make them into runaway homes and apartments for counseling. Ask them questions test them on reading and education. what do they want to get out of their lives .make sure if a runaway feels isolated have other runaways that have been in the runaway service have a self help meeting annually. Make sure counseling is on groun...