What Do Runaways Get Out of Running Away?:
Part One
that has a chemically unbalanced problem may have a history of being a runaway.
A runaway may be an outcast in lift and think that they do not belong and do
not have any thing going for them. There should be more counseling in the
department of state service that could tell legislatures get up off your pin
cushions give up some money. take money
from cook county jails and tell sheriff dart instead of sitting on his keister after his shift have him be a
mentor and stop arresting runaways and putting them in institutions. Close institutions
and make them into runaway homes and apartments for counseling. Ask them
questions test them on reading and education. what do they want to get out of
their lives .make sure if a runaway feels isolated have other runaways that
have been in the runaway service have a
self help meeting annually. Make sure counseling is on grounds 24/7 instead of
our 24 hour residential facilities that the state is closing. Don’t close our
National Runaway House and don’t close our addiction substance abuse because
that’s how runaways usually are mixed up with the wrong crowd. If any questions
address author.
Part 2 to be
continued in August Ledger….
The parents
that have the sense of a coffee pot and common sense of a coffee cup. Maybe if
parents that want to have children would stop abusing their children maybe we would not have so many
runaways in the system. It is a very
sad disgusting despicable uncalled for way of dealing with life. Life is too short.
I look at people in every day world that are homeless and people that are
looked for. They should have abandoned buildings turned into their homes and counseling
for young adults that have a history of emotional problems. Our younger generation have not had a
family. You do not know if they have a father or mother or if a mother is
trusted or has a record . or if the father has been put away maybe forever .
what really messes up our younger
generation is when the parents
are called away to war . it interests
me to sit and discuss with runaways what I went through as a young man .
what it was like having a parent and to dearest runaways and to my happy friends
running away from problems dose not help it will only make thing worse. Stay in school think positive keep your head up high. Hang
around with the right crowd know
when they are going to take you for a
ride . it is not the best way to go . go in a direction
of seeing the light s of a happy life.
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