
Showing posts from 2016

Domestic Violence Awareness and 2016 Wiz-Bang Finale

Domestic violence happens in the home and is done by people you think you have a caring relationship with.The violence can be physical or psychological, but it is always done by cowards. If you are victim of this sickening act, there are resources to help you. Reach out to trusted relatives, teachers and friends and call the National Domestic Violence hotline at 800.799.7233. Good luck. This is our last post for 2016. I hope you enjoyed my work. I enjoy having this blog. May the new year be violence-free and filled with love and joy Happy Holidays!   Peace on Earth!

Sexual Assault Alert!

Sexual assault is still in the news and increasing. Be aware of your surroundings and travel in pairs or groups . If you should become  a victim of sexual assault or rape, call 911. However, you can also have questions answered at the National Sexual Assault hotline 1.800.656.4673. Together we can help to end this sickening behavior.

Chicago Cubs 2016 World Series Champions!

I never believed I could fly or the Cubs could win it all. Well, I still can't fly! Can you believe our Cubs won it all? I can't either. And on my father Howard's birthday! Abba (Dad) is resting and watching from Shamayim (Heaven), of course. it's a thrill for Cubs fans, near and far. Now, let's see if the Bears can do it too...

What is Wrong with our Bears?

The Bears are 1 and 6 and are pathetic. They are not coming to play football. I never give up, but I have to know, what's wrong  with our team? Go Cubs!

Our First Female President?

Tonight is the last debate.  We must make up our minds by November 8 who you want to vote for. Who will we vote for? A whining, pathetic sexist pig who has no respect for the office he is running for or an educated, experienced public servant with a real love for our country? I hope we are about to make history as we elect our first woman commander in chief! The American Dream is about to get bigger and better!

Welcoming New Police

I'm happy to see that we will get one thousand new officers in the city of Chicago. As we train these cadets we should have the community show their support in training and the recruits going into the schools and parks and helping our young people with their homework. This is a fresh start with new blood,  we must try something different!

Will the Teachers Strike?

Chicago teachers are set to go on strike on October 11th. If this happens, I want to know if our Chicago Police are up for two important jobs: keeping our kids safe when they have no school to attend and protecting teachers' rights when they are on the picket line. With everything that's happening, is the CPD and the mayor ready?

Can We Talk About Police Shootings?

I am sick and tired of hearing of our police shooting down unarmed young adults. We  need more talking and less shooting. We must dial things down and compromise or use  mediation to help resolve conflicts. All parties must move beyond color and try to work on a better perspective of the other party. There should be no media and no politicians, just everyday people talking things out. To be continued...

Happy Back to School 2016!

I wish all of the students and teachers a safe and successful school year. But I'm afraid that a gunman  may spoil my wish.This is a crisis that we must stop. The  younger generation must take charge by turning in criminals, perhaps to an anonymous hotline. Or, they could get involved with Big Brothers/Big Sisters and get their lives on a path to success. Have a great year!

Police Violence and the Mentally Ill and Disabled

Incidents of police violence against African -American  civilians in Chicago have been in the news too much . Less reported are the killing by police of people who are mentally ill or in crisis.  This happens too much also. We need to educate  the  police on how to deal with mentally ill  citizens or citizens with special  needs. They must talk them down-- don't shoot them down! Our police are not trained  to handle people this way. Mayor  Emmanuel has his hands full with  police reform, but he must  make sure there is special police training to protect special needs people.

My Variety Show Speech...

On June 6, 2016, I gave the following speech at the Anixter Center Variety show in Chicago... Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Education is the most important tool of anybody's life and future. It helps people set and achieve goals. It helps people to be their best  selves and pursue a career. A better education helps people have better lives It helps people understand the world around them. Education has made me more open-minded and improved my relationships with teachers, staff, and mentors . I have had the opportunity to be in a job-study class and learned how to make a resume . This helped me pursue a career and achieve my goals . I have also built confidence as a w r iter and now have a blog where I share my views and e x periences with the world.  Education needs to be valued instead of being cut down and swept under the rug. People with disab i lities deserve access to education in order to make our...

My Train Story...

I have taken many forms of transportation, bicycle, car, van, bus and planes. By far, my favorite form of transportation is the train.  I like the train because it is relaxing and fast. It is reliable. Usually, it is clean and quiet. It is very safe from crime and accidents. For people whose disabilities won’t allow the operation of a car, it’s the faster way to travel.  As a taxpayer, citizen and consumer, I believe trains, like Chicago’s Rapid Transit, are the most efficient, cleanest ride. Trains are also the best value.    As a developmentally disabled citizen and rider, I pay $50.00 per month for unlimited rides. This is the best deal in Chicago! Even at full price, it’s a great deal. Plus, there are so many interesting people on the train every day. For instance, today there was a lady on the train with a box of chocolates. I asked her about them. She explained that she was selling them for her granddaughter’s soccer team. I asked, “how much?” ...

Disabled Citizens Vote!

It's election season and it's our civic duty to make our voice heard. Don't let anyone take us for fools. Think for yourself. Exercise your rights . Use our own brains. We must help ourselves! Election Day in Illinois  is March 15.

Who Will Help Our C.P.S Kids?

Chicago Public Schools are in hard  times. Everybody is bickering with each other. Nobody is listening to the students. The students want to go to good schools. The C.P.S. Board is cutting budgets for the neediest students, while they are negotiating a new agreement with the teachers and threatening  to layoff thousands. With the mixed signals from the Governor and the Mayor, it's no surprise  Mr. Claypool and Ms. Lewis are not seeing eye to eye. In my eyes, Mr. Claypool should put student needs before anything!

Abuse & Neglect of the Disabled

Abuse can be social, like a verbal put down,  physical, like hitting or kicking, emotional, like yelling or threats, or even sexual, like harassment or assault. Neglect can be as simple as ignoring someone or isolating them. More terrible is failing to provide a disabled person basic needs like food or medicine or clothing or housing. Abuse and neglect of the disabled is wrong. It is also against the law. It's pathetic and it turns my stomach! If you, or someone you know in Illinois is being abused, call 866-800-1409.