
Showing posts from January, 2018


This  flu  season  has been  especially  dangerous with hundreds of people dying  from this strain..People   need to take care of themselves by getting a flu short, washing your hands often. and staying home when you don"t feel good  yourself. Since October, there  have been 12 flu - related deaths in Chicago. This is out of control! Especially young children. Get your flu shot!

My New Year's Wish List

For  2018, my top wish was fulfilled  early when police body cameras were completed one year ahead of schedule. Less pathetic behavior from our young people like not joining terrorist groups or stealing packages from front porches that don't belong to you. Our jail guards must be better trained and more compassionate towards their inmates and our case workers need more support from the state so they can patiently do their jobs. Less carjackings and more buses! Happy 2018!